Being "BLACK" in America has its disadvantages year after year. These same disadvantages make for expressive talking points to uncover the problems America has with BLACK folks. During BLACK History Month lots of organizations and individuals create ways to highlight positive contributions that are often overshadowed by controversial moments in BLACK's history in America.
LessWork and our local partners have positioned 1neofmani and K.I.L.O aka SKITL'z as figures in the Madison, Wisconsin community, drawing the attention of 93.1 Jamz radio personality and Violator DJ, DJ King Fusion provoking the DJ to contact 1neofmani personally to visit his Radio Show. In September of 2020 Dj Fusion paid LessWork HQ a visit to checkout our space and shop @With_LessWork

When Fusion reached out to 1neofmani to lead this year's #LocalLove and #CommunityAndCulturalAwareness initiatives, initially we were a bit hesitant about accepting the offer under the circumstances of BLACK History Month making it more acceptable to highlight BLACK contributions in February more so than other months throughout the year. Then we looked back on Fusion's personal choice to support us out loud off air 2 years previously. He even shared his email for LessWork artists and affiliates to send music to be played on 93.1 Jamz for the #LocalLove show in 2020. Looking at this opportunity from a LessWork point of view, we decided to accept the offer as a chance to share our mission to support Local artists that rap in the Madison area and beyond. Overall, we are appreciative of Dj Fusion and 93.1 Jamz for extending their platform for us to reach more people and grow our LessWork Local Lifestyle following.
1neofmani interview was set for January 25, 2022, at 93.1 Jamz radio station w/ Dj Fusion. 1neofmani was accompanied by Royale Jones (photographer) and Alex Garcia (videographer) to capture this experience to share with our "wayers" (supporters). Arriving early, 1ne began capturing photos inside the lobby of the radio station while giving his initial insights on what it takes to make it into music.
Once we wrapped up our recording, we hung tight until noticing Dj Fusion came down the stairs to walk us to his office to prepare to go on-air. Fusion sent 1neofmani questions to familiarize himself with the flow of the interview. After going over the important topics 1neofmani wanted to discuss Fusion gave us the signal to say, "We Live."
(WATCH this video in parts 1 of 5 and save them to your #YouTube playlists for gems)
When did you open and how long have you been operating here in Madison?
K.I.L.O and I opened our first LessWork location back in February 2018. We've been operating as a business since 2012/2013. In 2020 1neofmani recruited Marcus Porter and Richard Jones Jr. from off Park Street to bring their talents to the east side of Madison under the same roof as our operation.
What products / services do you offer?
We cater to local artists that rap and the businesses that we complement. Offering in-house solutions in:
Music writing/recording/promoting music
Photography to help with brand identity.
Media coverage to control the narratives surrounding our culture
What inspired your start-up?
Where there is a lack of there's also opportunity to create. Madison lacks supporting Local rappers aloud. We noticed local communities even beyond Madison do not support the artistic contributions of local rappers, which can be essential to the life cycle of myself first, plus our youth, and communities directly. First, we started as an apparel brand. We are aware of the influence popular artists have on fashion and athletes, so we offer seasonal apparel in representation of local artists and businesses that we complement.
Where are you located? What are your hours?
We are located at 1444 E. Washington Ave, Madison, WI. Our hours vary by booking an appointment. The goal is to remain open 24 hours/ 7 days a week.

Who is your ideal customer?
Our customers are local artists that rap. Being a local artist, I utilize certain skills and software to prepare and deliver my art to the world. This makes me an educator in the space of the products and services I produce. Which allows me to then offer my talents to service anyone seeking solutions in:
recording vocals
custom apparel
photography services
event planning
social media hosting
As a brand and company, we cater to the lifestyles of local artists that rap. Our niche is promoting and positioning Local as The New Global. Creating partnerships with local businesses to increase the artists’ influence and monthly income to build local stability for local rappers outside of their music releases.

What does being a local / small business owner mean to you?
It means opportunity. A chance to do things your way. I get to endure my trial-and-error stages in front of a community that supports me without bias. I love the accountability of operating a business. There’s a spoken and unspoken moral code to doing good business. We Say, Easy Wins - even when it isn’t easy to come out progressive.
How can the local community find you? (ie. - website / social media / phone?
Personally, by searching 1neofmani on google or any platform. My music email is bookingbrothers@gmail.com and my website is LessWork Local Lifestyle
Upcoming events, news, and campaigns from LessWork Local Lifestyle
On 3.12.2022 LessWork in collaboration with Pearl of Envy Auto Detailing will host 1neofmani's debut mixtape listening session 5 days before its worldwide release on 3.17.2022. Click here for more info
Year to date 1neofmani has released Love Is Love, WittUS, and is set to release his next single "Moving In Silence" the same day as his Mobile Mixtape Release Party 3/12/2022 video will air at 7 PM on #YouTube and inside Kingdom Restaurant.
Virtual Performance: 2/19/2022
A contextual poet as well, 1neofmani has two poetry performances. After an offer from UCAN for 1neofmani to perform his self-titled poem, "1NEOFMANI" in direction of the theme: "I AM SOMEBODY." Excerpt from UW-Madison website: "The 4th Annual Black History Education Conference: “I Am Somebody” will provide a venue where educators across the state and country will be able to share policies, practices, programs, and procedures that have proven effective in promoting high levels of achievement for those often being under served in our school systems and communities."
Live Performance: 2/26/2022
Back-to-back Saturdays, you can catch 1neofmani inside his element of dropping gems. On February 26, 2022, 1neofmani will offer his words to inspire the crowd of networkers at Creative Connections event in collaboration with Shante Studios located at 513 W Main Street, Sun Prairie, WI 53590. If you are not familiar with 1neofmani music, poetry is the perfect engagement to influence his listeners to seek more content from the LessWork Lyrix artist. For more information on Creative Connections checkout our write-up on the trending networking business led by Ashley Moseberry. Ashley is positioning her brand as Madison's networking pool of the city's Who's Who in music, money moves, and information sharing. Save The Date: 4/24/2022 Roses & Rose'
LessWork Local Lifestyle is raising funding to launch the world's first one-stop shop for all things production to benefit underserviced local artists and BLACK owned businesses in Madison, Wisconsin and beyond. This story is extremely unique, and I am excited to finally share it with you.
Thank you to everyone who is committed to supporting us through the completion of this campaign.
Respectfully, contact the details below for more information or to be featured in our blogs. Breyon "1neofmani" Sommerville lessworklifestyle@gmail.com
The world we live in is the world we cover.
Because of supporters like you, another world is possible. There are many battles to be won, but when we win them together with #LessWork, literally.

LessWork Literature is not your normal blog site. We don't survive on clicks. We don't create content for advertising dollars. Our goal is to create a template for artists to make a local living, forever. We need you. If you can help today—because every gift of any size matters—please do.
"Without U There Is No US." #IssaUsThing
Written by: 1neofmani Pen

video/photo/v credit: LessWork Lens and Alex Garcia
LessWork logo designs by: Matt Nemetz of FocalFuse
Title: 1neofmani Visits 93.1 Jamz
Blog: #23
Logos/Photos/Videos/Copy/Content: Owned by LessWork Local Lifestyle LLC
All rights reserved by: LessWork Local Lifestyle LLC 2022.