In a city of slim-pickings LessWork Lifestyle has emerged as Madison's only brand for local rap artists. Is there a cheat-code? Is LessWork a special brand? Or is it something other local rappers are overlooking in Madison, WI?
1neofmani believes local artists must focus on local businesses to build or strengthen their local positioning. Streaming sites like youtube are killing it digitally but with so many apps replacing human to human experiences physical marketing tactics will evolve again as the distinguishing process for fans to buy, stream, and enjoy your content. Rap is a genre spun from the elements of hip hop. Or is it? Either way, rappers have been the cool kids of the world for the past 20 years.
We are the trendsetters of global influence. We set the bar for youth, our peers, and multiple cultures influenced by hip hop mantras.
There's a Master P and a Nipsey Hussle in every ghetto. Someone who creates a way for a group of people to follow. In return the creator of the way is viewed as the "leader" or an "expert” in their area of work. Locally that's us. Local rappers design the way to do things in our cities. If we say it's cool, it's cool. If you really got the juice your ways will carry-over but I hope you have a plan because there's no punch-in/out clock for the front-runners. It's front line every time on behalf of your following. Write it down; or you playing.
What is something others seek you for?

Local Doesn't Mean Poor or Broke.
However, it is somewhat embarrassing to look at the distance black people have allowed other races to stride in America's wealth race. I say embarrassing only because we've maintained spending power over 1 trillion, not billion but $1, and yet we only have 5 black billionaires in America. Rappers are the voices of ghettos and ghetto culture has become America's template to deciding what's currently cool. The new-cool must be smart money. Our spending power is individually, and I get that. So logically if we reverse engineer the answers to "why" black people spend at higher classes than we exist. We'll also uncover the answers to "how" we can individually save in higher classes than we exist.
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Slow grind is better than no grind. Through the progress of our forefathers and mothers I stand on the shoulders of risk-takers. As with all risks, there are two outcomes; success and failure. Nothing is completely. For everything I've failed at success was always on the other side. That's also me looking back on a personal journey my attempts at life.
Out of the many attempts black people have made to secure something for us. I can say we've super-exceeded all expectations for success in hip hop, sports, and entertainment. Yet and still we lack overall inclusion even with the unmatched influence we have on the world.
I'm thinking from a Global structure on a Local level; and it's gone work.
Big picture: we can't go to our oppressors asking for help. No matter the circumstances when you ask you leave the door open for someone to tell you no., I mean you asked right? No is always an option when you ask.
Rappers are the new Malcolm X. We say it; the world lives it and repeats it. With so much money and influence recycling through black communities nothing you're going to read in this blog will be mind-blowing information. What makes it worth reading is my simple solution approach to solving the financial problems commonly faced by black people.
Subscribe: To receive first dibs on my highly anticipated LiTerature titled: "The Black Piggy Bank" Reparations at The Register
Staying on the topic of money and how local rappers can use their influence to make money (not get rich) locally. One way I know for sure is creating theme songs for local stores. This makes perfect sense for stores who customers listen to rap music. Again, if you got the juice like that your songs will be your cosign giving the okay for your following to shop there.
Question #2 What's stopping you from partnering with a barber shop, a dealership, restaurant, apparel store, or any local business?
These are places where people who listen to rap music spend money daily. Imagine the record you made for a local store in personal videos of tourist and residents visiting the stores? Naturally your records will grow legs from the traffic and engagement it'll receive. Before you know it you'll be on every local business's radar to do what you did for a business they heard about. Word of mouth is still the greatest form of advertising. So the work you do for free in the beginning will justify your costs later. Never share the price of what your other clients are paying. Use your current clients as proof that your ways work but never exchange confidential information about your partnerships. Respect and honor will take you further than any amounts of money.
We have discounts in place with the local businesses seen the video to the right. Anytime a purchase is made on #LessWork eCommerce website participating businesses will discount your next purchase at their locations. Simply screen shot your receipt and present it at the following businesses.
Of course you should make this partnership more than about money. This is a chance for you as a person to build meaningful relationships that will hopefully last longer than your music career. Nonetheless, get paid if you can. I say that to say if you're just getting started you may have to do a couple songs free of charge upfront and maybe collect some back-end money later if the records become profitable. Just ask the business owner if you can promote the fact that you've worked together. If you know any creative ways local rappers can make money subscribe and leave a comment. The more we connect on here the more I'll have to write about.
Recently, I released my opportunities package and I encourage you to check it out. For inquires contact LessWork management:

Remain in the LessWork Loop by subscribing today. LessWork subscribers enjoys exclusivity of promotions, music, and photo shoot opportunities with us and our partners. Click the image below to read my previous blog about how local artists can survive Corona-virus financially. Thanks for reading. To keep my research and final production fresh I'm asking that you make a humble donation today.
Keep going 1ne. #LessWork is certainly #TheWay.