What is a narrative and why is it important for local artists to control theirs?
A narrative is: "A story or account of events, experiences, or the like, whether true or false".
Speaking of your career, your big day is here and before you know it everyone will know your name. Everything is lined up for you to become successful. The lights will be bright, and your life will be glorified. Then you are hit with the most important question of your career. "So, tell us your story"? Are you prepared to tell your story? Will your story complement your music? Do you believe your story? This article is meant to assist with uncovering your narratives to control your career in music and in life. Whether it be through music, blogs, or good ole word of mouth. It is always a bonus to control the topics surrounding your name or brand.
As a young one our parents will tell us not to worry about what others think of us and rightfully so. However, if we are referring to business, and music is a profiting business. In this business, what others think of your business is more credible than what you think of it yourself. So, if you are looking to tell a story. Tell a story worth hearing. The best stories are not always true. What is important is how the story is told. Who better than you or someone with your best interest sharing your most valuable information? When I say most valuable that goes for good and bad information. Controlling the narratives consist of getting your story out first. Once a story is out it will begin to grow legs if it is rich in information aka worth reading.
For example name 15 local rappers in Madison WI inside the comments? If you're in Peoria name 10 local rappers in the comments. That is 25 local artists creating valuable content. Now, in Madison or Peoria, name 5 bloggers covering the stories of local rappers? I will wait. I stopped at Tone Madison and Strictly Hip-Hop 90.7 FM (radio/podcast) in Peoria, IL. Tone Madison is a local blogging site in Madison, WI that focuses on local artists, Madison culture, and politics. Not much coverage on local rappers. Although I do find value in their links to local resources. Like the fact that Communications (local venue) has an active virtual tip jar for local artists to sign up at-will. Yes, I signed up. Go crazy!
As local artists we have much more for people to support than t-shirts and digital streams. Ironically, these and other strategies are popular within the hip-hop community. Effective yes, but I am more concerned with the path my supporters took to purchasing my work. The more platforms and formats you deliver your narratives inside of the more exposure your story will receive. Nothing worthwhile happens overnight. Which is why I believe our "Dreams are meant to act as road-maps to our reality. Meet your dreams halfway.
Let me ask you this, who is reporting on your late-night studio sessions,
your moments of networking,
your community building involvement, your project management skills,
who is covering your vision to ensure your best chance at success?
Have you ever felt like the people closet to you do not support you how they should? Me too. Then I looked at it from their perspective. If I were them would I help me? My answer was yeah, if they had a plan. That was it! I needed to perfect my plan. With a plan I was able to see the holes in my operation which also allowed me to tell the people closet to me how they could help me. Get out of your way. Get out of your head. Get you a plan and build your team around your plan.
We all could use support in areas of our lives. The deciding factor to whether we will get it or not is affected by how we tell our stories.
I read that "Controlling the narratives around your career consist of small shifts in your mindset. When the "Mind" is "Set" even the impossible seems possible." I believe that for myself.
Practice resetting your narratives to become more productive in thoughts. For example, say this in your mind or aloud at the top of each day; "Today will be a great day and I will give off positive energy to everything and everyone around me". We are what we speak. Through our words we speak life or death. Speak life daily.
There is an old quote that says: "You are what you eat" and there is also one that says, "food for thought". What that means to me is what we consume through our mouth and our mind will eventually present its' effects on our lives.
If you are only focused on that of which you fear, it is inevitable for your fears to hold you back from your greatest potential. See the river, not the rocks.
When you control your narratives expectations of setbacks are foreseeable. It is not to deny the realities we face daily. It is accepting that the good arise from the same murky waters as the bad. Our course of life will constantly change due to the decisions we make. Without control of your narratives involving your career local artists or anyone for this matter, are more likely to experience negative spirals throughout their life and their careers.
Once you are in control does not mean the work is done. As great as it is to take control of your story. You also must tell great stories. Think of Marvel comics? Confession: I do not know much about Marvel or comics. I do know this. Marvel comics are about good guys and bad guys. The overall narrative is to consume the readers time by keeping their attention.

We are bad at everything before we are good at it. That is why I say accept that the good arise from the same murky waters as the bad. Which are necessary additives to life's soup.
It is your life and decisions are yours but even our lives are a part of life's soup. Trying to change the current of the soup will only force you to be sucked in. I say go with the flow. Meaning design your narratives around your soup, not the good or bad ingredients.
Telling your story does not mean telling us about yourself all the time. Your story includes some unique individuals who deserves just as much credit and story time as you do. Although our stories are different in character our realities are much the same. We are who we hang around.
What you do with this newfound control will determine how long you will have it. If you are a lazy leader you will have a lazy narrative. When you are in control you are the creator and the subject of the story-line. Direct and indirectly the success and failure are awarded to that of which you are in control of. This information is simply that. Information. I am not a lawyer, and this is not meant to be consumed or assumed to be legal advice. As I believe you should call a professional on all your legal matters. I am here to give you some G.A.M.E.
For more G.A.M.E. and visual content follow my #GameAintFree series on YouTube.
Within this G.A.M.E of information I hope you are creating a plan of action to make your narratives progressive and positive. My advice to your planning process is to not plan every detail and hire or work with young creatives. They are fresh blood in traditional environments with modern methods to control your narratives. The things you can do for yourself, do it. Do as much shit as you can. This will help during those times of doubt and discouragement. We all go through it bro.
Ask yourself this; Are my narratives fueled by fear of what could go wrong? Or approached with intentions to take all necessary actions?
Storytelling in my opinion is the highest form of commerce.
Who is controlling your narratives and why is or isn't this information important to you? Leave your comments below and read my other blogs to remain in the loop.
LessWork Literature is a collection of information surrounding local artists and businesses. With a focus on mid-west areas.
All images and other forms of content was created or revised by LessWork Literature
July 10. _020
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Respect to you. Love is Love