"There's talent and then there's the bill." - @1neofmani

The Update
On the night of November 17, 2020, my team and I were counting down to the final day of our fundraiser. We were $1,000 short of raising $2000 to secure our office space until the first quarter of 2021.
Although our goal was not reached, we did reach the people and that is a part of LessWork mission. With that, recognition is due and deserved to supporters like yourself who plant seeds in confidence that we will act on our promise to "Control the Narratives" which defines black hip hop artists and entrepreneurs in Madison, WI. Its an economic imperative for us to not only control our influence but to also capitalize from it. We are not only appreciative, but we also hope you continue to support us along our journey.
Our work is for the benefit of local artists that rap. Funding is always priority. "There's talent and then there's the bill."
I want to speak about a few things that are important to our progress. Since our last literature entry, we were caught off-guard. With the world shutting down and not being able to host gatherings larger than 10 visitors, as full-time and self-employed local artists, we were losing financially. Did we find encouragement inside our community? Did we? I told K.I.L.O we were getting more donations than sells. We are a tight-knit brand so to raisalesse $1k in 17 days says a lot about the belief our community has in us as people. Even if they do not fully understand how to support us as a business. We have work to do, yes, still it is inspiring to witness support for your vision aligning.
*Update: We used the entire $1k on office rent and are working on arrangements to clear the remaining balance of $1k. click to support
With heavy support coming from Madison, WI and Peoria, IL, I officially registered LessWork as an LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) with K.I.L.O aka SkitL'z of BloodLine as my business partner. This is worthy of a celebration, but we are so far behind we rest well with the progress behind the scenes.
After operating LessWork Lifestyle (a Madison-based brand that highlights local rap artists) for years without proper registration. I am honored to say as of November 17, 2020, with the help of our community "LessWork Local Lifestyle" is now a seed planted in Madison, Wisconsin soil.
Our goal is to operate as Madison's 1st subscription-based production house with a strict focus on local artists that rap and the industries we influence. Imagine a local or visiting artist discovering solutions to audio recording, photography, videography, custom apparel, and social media hosting under one roof? That is what you are supporting whenever you press play, complete a purchase, or plant a seed with #LessWork. R.U.N?
The Punch Back
Thanks to organizations like UJAMAA, a local non-profit ran by Tara Wilhelmi. Offering resources in cooperative economics, business development, and networking opportunities. UJAMAA recently partnered with Collaboration4Good to create a black business app which will launch in the beginning of 2021. As resourceful as Tara is, she is always looking to grow her network. Connect with her and tell her LessWork sent you.
I attended a Zoom meeting with Tara and a mutual friend of ours in regard to resources about registering LessWork and making us available for future funding opportunities. Tara pointed me in the right direction to receive my EIN (Electronic Identification Number) the same day for FREE. When you don't know you don't know but you should not settle for not knowing something.
Seeing that LessWork conducts online and offline sales of our merchandise and services, Tara coached me on how to obtain a seller's permit for just $20. Thank you Tara and we will be in touch year around. I highly recommend supporting under supported heroes doing the groundwork. The hardest time I had with registering LessWork was deciding to register as an LLC or an LLP. Like I stated above, I have a business partner and I wanted to structure the company to where we would equally benefit as owners.
There is one significant difference between LLP and LLC. An LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) must have a managing partner that is liable for the actions of the partnership. If silent partners and investors don’t assume a managerial role, they receive liability protection. Do you need an LLC?
While signing up I was recommended to register as an LLP due to having multiple business owners and the type of business we operate as "Independent Artists." Fortunately, as partners, we are individually held responsible for our actions regarding how the business is operated. Personally, I am high key interested in minority and female owned business grants available. My fee for registering my company as an LLP was $130 + $25 to have it expedited (processed quicker) overnight.
All this became more relevant as COVID-19 settled as an undeniable natural disaster. Being caught off-guard really exposed LessWork and the local artists we represent. Coming short of the goal to secure the office somehow inspired me still.
The community of LessWork supported in more ways than monetary value. Sending testimonial videos, making posts on social media, sharing our writeup on Madison365, and most importantly, donating what they could. I plan to send every one of you individual thank you emails along with something special to express our gratitude fully.
Not reaching a goal never left me feeling so appreciated. Fully aware that currently, our world is under attack of a deadly virus and most supporters of LessWork are poverty-stricken individuals who may look to LessWork as inspiration that hope does exist for the unfortunate.
The His-Story

How did I get here? How did I go from this optimistic soul to becoming a victim of the very business I started? Let me start from the beginning. Originally, my life was created and conceived in Peoria, Illinois. In early 2007 my mother, while living in Madison, Wisconsin was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time in her life. Scared, sick, and miles away from the family she created, my mother was preparing herself for the worst. I was seventeen and had never left Peoria, Illinois. My older brother requested we visit mom in Wisconsin. My brothers were into organized sports, so they traveled a lot. I was the iso-type you know, strict interests in things of artistry like drawing, music, and fashion. It was a bittersweet exit, but it was a mandatory trip. Finally, I'm getting out of the city, but I couldn't help but think if my mom would beat her fight with cancer twice.

13 years later, ties to a new city, 2 beautiful little girls, and my mother survived cancer, twice. These are the makings of me and my reasons why I push beyond all limits no matter the circumstances. An able body is able. I always say I am here in Madison, Wisconsin on borrowed time. It was never a destined location for me growing up. I came to comfort my mother and ended up creating ties to a city that became the host of a lot of my first milestones. First car, first college, first business, and my first child were all right here in Madison.
The company name was not always LessWork Local Lifestyle. Eight years ago, my mission and principles were the same, but the brand was originally named WeSLiM for (We Support Local Independent Musicians). I registered with my bank at the time because I had already had a relationship established. I was then twenty-two with ambitions to build a first-generation rich company and hire my homeboys on some LeBron James type-time. That's still the goal though.
The Direction
Today WeSLiM exists as a social media page where I funnel local talent to create a platform for networking. #LessWork started as a hashtag for requesting artists to work together. What we mean when we say LessWork is actually Let’s Work together. As to say, I am a fan of what you produce and would like to collaborate with your team.

This trendy way of communicating became "The Way" of linking up with artists of interests. With the demand around the saying I thought why not put it on a shirt? I sketched up a few designs and shopped the images to print shops in Madison. Kollege Town took on the task of making my vision a reality when they created LessWork first logo.
As local rap artists in Madison, WI the community naturally do not know how to support us without being looked at as rebels. Understanding that, I wanted our brand to speak for the underserviced artists directly in this city. When you do not speak for yourself, you leave the door open for others to speak on your behalf. The city of Madison has made it clear; hip hop is not a priority of interest. We have been playing defense in a game designed for us to lose. If rappers want to win in Madison, we must redirect our focus as business-artists.
Instead of pointing fingers, LessWork aims to offer solutions from an artist's point of view. We are fundraising to create a 1-Stop Solution for local artists to record their music, book professional photographers, shoot promotional videos, organize their social media presence, and offer custom merchandise to generate income while doing what they love under one roof. Local artists deserve exposure w/o limits.
These solutions will be offered in a co-op setting. Where we (LessWork) recruit local entrepreneurs to operate their business under the roof of 1444 East Washington Ave. Recruiting and locking in Oddly Arranged Media as our first successful partnership at the top of 2020. OAM offers media solutions in audio recording, marketing communications, and workshops where they teach youth everything they do. LessWork offers temporary space to local vendors every Saturday from 4pm to 6pm in the form of weekly Pop-Up Shops. This allows us to discover new customers and entrepreneurs in the Madison area. We have photography packages where local artists and businesses can book exclusively with K.I.L.O aka SkitL'z or sign-up to enjoy the benefits of being a LWL monthly member.
By early 2022 LessWork plans to roll out our official subscription-based solutions which will also include screen printing options for merchandising.
Do you see how this could help local artists? Do you know of any other business with similar visions to LessWork? If so, Let's Work! My goal is to continue fundraising and applying for grants to offer premium services at minimum prices to underserviced local and visiting rap artists in Madison, WI. This is who we are and creating solutions for local rap artists is what we do. R.U.N?
Thank Yous
Thank you to the most high GOD, my family because you all are my first everything, my day 1ne and forever growing support systems, thank you Meghan Blake-Horst for offering resources early and often, thank you Kartez Rowel for believing in LessWork from a distance, thank you Kameliya Dyakova for contributing our first donation of $100. You really sparked a light of hope for me personally. Thank you, Sarah B of Earthy Temptations,Earthy Temptations for allowing great energy to guide your decisions to support. Thank you Poetic Ye, my S.O.S.A. brother for seeing the "IT" in me and being man enough to push everyone around you. Thank you, Frank, for understanding what we represent and how you can assist. Thank you Prenicia Clifton for throwing big dog bait around this city for local artists and entrepreneurs. Your glow is radiant Queen. Thank you, Screen Door Studio for catching every alley-oop and returning the favor by producing magnificent work and never fearing to raise the stakes. Thank you, Artists Collective for giving local artists in this city a stage every month (prior to COVID-19). Thank you, Kim Lynch, for supporting local artists during these troubling times. Thank you, Rose Alice for making the first online purchase of 2020 back in January. Make sure you hit us up for your LWL care package. Thank you, Debra Coleman for giving us a fair shot to win your business by pressing play on my Love Is Love record, copping the Watch Your Toes mixtape, and speaking life. Thank you Howanda Yarber for staying close enough to let us know your support is real. Thank you, S. Clark, for continuously making your presence felt and being a friend to the business. Thank you, Araceli Esparza for personally responding to our emails with resources and making a purchase. Thank you, UCAN for your longevity and self-governed strategies to support local artists in Madison. You guys are definition of team building. Every one of you has your own wheels moving but still shoulders the responsibility to service and collaborate with local artists. That's honorable and progressive. Thank you Antoine McNeail, for knowing when to be funny and serious at the same time. I appreciate the random phone calls to express your passion for me to release what I produce at the highest level of the game. I hear your big brother let's put our networks together and make it real. You keep me focused on music while my brain wonders out of curiosity of numerous involvements. Thank you DASH DUB for being important in a lot of local artists' careers. My goals for LessWork are not far off from what you are already doing within your operation. Thank you Yankuba Janneh of ANAFITS for always carrying GOD-like energy and keeping a family vibe. My condolences to your family on losing your KING (father). Thank you to Oddly Arranged Media for trusting my visionary layout w/o fully knowing the plan. We really have something worth building and sharing for this city and beyond. Thank you, Marcus Porter,Marcus Porter because this city doesn't say it enough. I hear your dreams loud and clear and have every intention of including my honest opinions on everything you must share with the world. Keep writing brother, your words will heal souls and that's from the heart. Thank you Jennifer Green for your artistic relevance and support for our unorthodox approach. I still want to work with you as our graphic designer. Speaking of graphics, thank you Matt Nemetz of FocalFuse for having the patience to work with me as I change my mind ten times for every design for the last 6 years. Thank you, Chelsea,Chelsea for not allowing the distance in between us to waiver your support for LessWork. Thank you to K.I.L.O for allowing me to steer this yacht as you adjust from me crashing into icebergs w/o the thought of jumping ship. You deserve this company, that's why I made you the CEO before the paperwork. I know enough to know we are the city's most influential duo. #LessWork baby. Thank you, Chelsea, for not allowing the distance in between us to waiver your support for LessWork. Thank you to Matt Jacoby of Eleven Music Career Center for inspiring me a long time ago when I was a college intern with Rick of the MAMAs back in 2012. Your belief and investment in this city have solidified my fire to continuously burn and extract all this city has to offer. I give Madison 3 years and this city will become the hub for rising talent in hip hop. Thank you Tara again, you really got me shooting past the stars as I check my email daily for the progress of them grants, they are throwing around. Thank you A. David Dahmer for the helpful piece you wrote about LessWork on behalf of Madison365. I appreciate you highlighting our strengths as we experience record lows. I would love to have a writer like yourself writing these blogs for LessWork Literature. Thank you Sarah Denise of Oceans Laugh for bringing that sisterhood to our #TeamOfDreams. I look to you as much as you look to me for motivation. It's in us, it ain't never been on us. Thank you to Big I, my other S.O.S.A. brother and owner of Keep Up Slam Hard for being my silent course of actions and taking every risk with me early in our partnership. Thank you to Steve's Auto Sales, The Kingdom Restaurant, SERIEUX Clothing, Tasha Mack, and my big homie Animal. You are all my foundation and I owe it to every one of you to give it 110% with ten toes down daily. I am because you allow me to be all that I AM. R.U.N?
Written by: 1neofmani
Image and Visuals by: LessWork Lens
Title: No FREE Launch
Blog Number: 7
LessWork Literature Series
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